Microsoft Windows NT 4 Index

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Automatic power off on shutdown in virtual environment

(Article ID: 001516)

Windows NT 4 server and workstation installations may not "power off" after a shutdown command while running in a virtual environment (i.e. VMware). Instead of the virtual machine powering down the message "It is now safe to turn off your computer." is displayed.

Step-by-step instructions

To change this behavior do the following:

  1. Obtain the file hal.dll.softex.
    NOTE: It is included with Windows NT Service Pack 4 and is also available with this article.
  2. Rename the file %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\hal.dll to
  3. Start Registry Editor (Start>Run>regedit).
  4. Navigate to the following registry key:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
    NOTE: HKLM is the abbreviation for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  5. Look for a value called PowerdownAfterShutdown.
    NOTE: If this value does not exist, do the following:
    1. Click on Edit.
    2. Click on New.
    3. Select DWORD Value.
    4. Type PowerdownAfterShutdown and press ENTER.
      NOTE: Capitalization does count!

  6. Double click on the PowerdownAfterShutdown value.
  7. Type 1 and press ENTER.
    NOTE: Type 0 to disable powering down at shutdown.
  8. Close Registry Editor.
  9. Restart the computer.

There may be decreased performance with the virtual machine after this change takes place.

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Size: ~32KB

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The author of this site makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no responsibility for the use of the materials presented here. Any use of these materials is strictly at the risk of the user.